
Periodic Table With Valence Electrons

Valence electrons:

  • For principal group elements (i.e s-block and p-block elements), the valence electrons are the electrons present in the outermost orbit.
  • But for nearly of the transition and inner transition elements, the valence electrons are the electrons present in the shells outside the element of group 0 core.

If y'all want a Periodic table with Valence electrons, then visit Periodic table with Valence electrons labeled in it. (Where you lot will get the HD images along with the explanation).

Valence Electrons Chart for All Elements

Elements Valence electrons
1 Hydrogen (H) Valence electrons in Hydrogen (H)
two Helium (He) Valence electrons in Helium (He)
iii Lithium (Li) Valence electrons in lithium (Li)
iv Glucinium (Exist) Valence electrons in beryllium (Be)
5 Boron (B) Valence electrons in Boron (B)
6 Carbon (C) Valence electrons in Carbon (C)
7 Nitrogen (N) Valence electrons in Nitrogen (N)
8 Oxygen (O) Valence electrons in Oxygen (O)
nine Fluorine (F) Valence electrons in Fluorine (F)
10 Neon (Ne) Valence electrons in Neon (Ne)
11 Sodium (Na) Valence electrons in Sodium (Na)
12 Magnesium (Mg) Valence electrons in magnesium (Mg)
13 Aluminum (Al) Valence electrons in Aluminium (Al)
14 Silicon (Si) Valence electrons in silicon (Si)
15 Phosphorus (P) Valence electrons in phosphorus (P)
16 Sulfur (S) Valence electrons in Sulfur (S)
17 Chlorine (Cl) Valence electrons in chlorine (Cl)
18 Argon (Ar) Valence electrons in Argon (Ar)
19 Potassium (G) Valence electrons in potassium (K)
20 Calcium (Ca) Valence electrons in Calcium (Ca)
21 Scandium (Sc) 3
22 Titanium (Ti) 4
23 Vanadium (5) 5
24 Chromium (Cr) half dozen
25 Manganese (Mn) vii
26 Fe (Fe) viii
27 Cobalt (Co) 9
28 Nickel (Ni) 10
29 Copper (Cu) 11
30 Zinc (Zn) 12
31 Gallium (Ga) 3
32 Germanium (Ge) 4
33 Arsenic (Equally) 5
34 Selenium (Se) six
35 Bromine (Br) vii
36 Krypton (Kr) 8
37 Rubidium (Rb) one
38 Strontium (Sr) 2
39 Yttrium (Y) 3
40 Zirconium (Zr) 4
41 Niobium (Nb) 5
42 Molybdenum (Mo) 6
43 Technetium (Tc) 7
44 Ruthenium (Ru) 8
45 Rhodium (Rh) 9
46 Palladium (Pd) x
47 Silver (Ag) xi
48 Cadmium (Cd) 12
49 Indium (In) 3
50 Tin (Sn) 4
51 Antimony (Sb) five
52 Tellurium (Te) vi
53 Iodine (I) 7
54 Xenon (Xe) 8
55 Cesium (Cs) 1
56 Barium (Ba) 2
57 Lanthanum (La) three
58 Cerium (Ce) 4
59 Praseodymium (Pr) 5
60 Neodymium (Nd) 6
61 Promethium (Pm) 7
62 Samarium (Sm) 8
63 Europium (Eu) 9
64 Gadolinium (Gd) ten
65 Terbium (Tb) 11
66 Dysprosium (Dy) 12
67 Holmium (Ho) xiii
68 Erbium (Er) 14
69 Thulium (Tm) 15
70 Ytterbium (Yb) 16
71 Lutetium (Lu) 3
72 Hafnium (Hf) 4
73 Tantalum (Ta) v
74 Tungsten (W) 6
75 Rhenium (Re) 7
76 Osmium (Os) 8
77 Iridium (Ir) 9
78 Platinum (Pt) 10
79 Gold (Au) 11
80 Mercury (Hg) 12
81 Thallium (Tl) 3
82 Pb (Pb) 4
83 Bismuth (Bi) 5
84 Polonium (Po) vi
85 Astatine (At) seven
86 Radon (Rn) eight
87 Francium (Fr) one
88 Radium (Ra) ii
89 Actinium (Air conditioning) 3
ninety Thorium (Th) 4
91 Protactinium (Pa) five
92 Uranium (U) 6
93 Neptunium (Np) 7
94 Plutonium (Pu) 8
95 Americium (Am) 9
96 Curium (Cm) ten
97 Berkelium (Bk) 11
98 Californium (Cf) 12
99 Einsteinium (Es) 13
100 Fermium (Fm) 14
101 Mendelevium (Md) 15
102 Nobelium (No) 16
103 Lawrencium (Lr) 3
104 Rutherfordium (Rf) iv
105 Dubnium (Db) 5
106 Seaborgium (Sg) vi
107 Bohrium (Bh) vii
108 Hassium (Hs) 8
109 Meitnerium (Mt) 9
110 Darmstadtium (Ds) x
111 Roentgenium (Rg) eleven
112 Copernicium (Cn) 12
113 Nihonium (Nh) 3
114 Flerovium (Fl) iv
115 Moscovium (Mc) 5
116 Livermorium (Lv) 6
117 Tennessine (Ts) 7
118 Oganesson (Og) 8

Costless Souvenir for y'all: Interactive Periodic Tabular array

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Checkout Interactive Periodic table and download it's high resolution image at present (It'south FREE)

External links:
Valence electrons of elements

Periodic Table With Valence Electrons,


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