
Shark And Remora Symbiotic Relationship

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Why doesn't the shark eat the remora?

Why doesn't the shark consume the remora?

Symbiosis A close relationship between two species https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=z. Sm. L

Symbiosis A close relationship between 2 species https: //world wide web. youtube. com/watch? 5=z. Sm. L 2 F 1 t 81 Q

Mutualism (+/+) • Type of symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit • Crocodile

Mutualism (+/+) • Type of symbiotic human relationship in which both species do good • Crocodile and Egyptian Plover Bird https: //world wide web. youtube. com/picket? five=Xm 2 qdx. VVRm 4&list=PLX 1 zi. TTY 5 Grh. LXOTAl. FSFg. UAcqjip. RVA 9&index=3

Commensalism : I (+/0) • Type of symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits

Commensalism : I (+/0) • Blazon of symbiotic human relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is neither helped nor harmed • Shark and Remoras https: //www. youtube. com/westward atch? 5=j. Bg 59_8 TXb. Thou

Parasitism (+/-) • Type of symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the

Parasitism (+/-) • Type of symbiotic relationship in which 1 species benefits and the other is harmed. Caterpillar with parasites Snail with center parasite https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=v. MGLWy. Nc. As&list=PLX 1 zi. TTY 5 Grh. LXOTAl. FSFg. UAcqjip. RVA 9

Parasitism in Humans • Roundworm • Ringworm • Guinea worm • Filarial worm

Parasitism in Humans • Roundworm • Ringworm • Guinea worm • Filarial worm

Summary https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=z. TGc. S 7 v. Jqbs

Summary https: //world wide web. youtube. com/watch? v=z. TGc. South 7 v. Jqbs

Class Activity • Sort the orange cards into pairs based on the information on

Class Action • Sort the orange cards into pairs based on the information on the cards. • Identify the relationship between the pairs- Commensalism, mutualism, parasitism. • Explicate why you picked that relationship. "The nesting bird has a place to live (+) and the tree is not bothered (0). " • Think of one new example for each type of relationship.

Giant Anemone Clown Fish My stinging tentacles serve as a refuge for the clown

Giant Anemone Clown Fish My stinging tentacles serve as a refuge for the clown fish I keep other fish abroad that may harm the giant anemone Isopod Mutualism Fish I feed off fish by attaching Isopods hurt me when they myself to their gills or skin feed Parasitism

Coral Zooxanthellae I provide shelter inside my body for Zooxanthellae. I help build the

Coral Zooxanthellae I provide shelter inside my torso for Zooxanthellae. I aid build the corals skeleton and often provide food which I produce myself. Trapezia Crab Pocyllopora Coral I defend the Pocyllopora coral from its enemies similar the crown-of-thorns sea star. Cleaner Shrimp I provide shelter to the Trapezia crab Fish I feed on the parasites of many kinds of The cleaner shrimp helps me command fish parasites on my trunk Mutualism

Anemone Traveling on the back of a hermit crab I can catch more food

Anemone Traveling on the dorsum of a hermit crab I can catch more than nutrient than if I were all the same Lettuce Coral I produce a substance that serves as nutrient for the feather duster worm Hermit Crab I acquit the anemone on my back for camouflage Feather Duster Worm You lot ofttimes find me living among the lettuce coral Mutualism Commensalism

Shark I frequently travel with a remora fish Remora I take advantage of the

Shark I frequently travel with a remora fish Remora I take advantage of the scraps of food that fall out of the mouth of Commensalism sharks during lunch Cleaner Fish Grouper I feed on parasites that alive in the groupers mouth The cleaner fish keeps my rima oris clean of parasites Mutualism

Barnacle Stuck to its shell, I help the snail hide from his enemies Snail

Barnacle Stuck to its shell, I help the snail hide from his enemies Snail Barnacles can adhere themselves to my hard shell Commensalism

Ecology Test Friday

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Shark And Remora Symbiotic Relationship,


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